Past Convention Programs

Past Convention Programs

Explore the rich tapestry of past UCEA convention programs, showcasing a legacy of innovation, collaboration, and academic excellence in educational leadership.

2023 UCEA Annual Convention

A Call to Action: Imagining a Hard Reset in Educational Leadership

Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN

Pre-Convention: November 15-16, 2023

Convention: November 16-18, 2023


Convention Program

Call for Proposals

Submission Details

Session Type Descriptions

Key Dates

Program release: mid-September

Early registration ends: September 29

Standard registration ends: October 31

Graduate Student Summit: November 15-16

Jackson Scholars Research Symposium: November 16

Plenary Session: November 16

Awards Luncheon: November 16

Annual Banquet: November 18

Convention Planning Committee

Bass North Carolina State University

Daniel Moraguez Florida State University

Darrius Stanley University of Minnesota

Mario Jackson North Carolina State University

Zorka Karanxha University of South Florida

2022 UCEA Annual Convention

Working For/With Equity and Leadership Toward Sustainability

Hyatt Regency Seattle

Seattle, Washington

Pre-Convention: November 14-16, 2022

Convention: November 17-19, 2022


Convention Program

Call for Proposals


Key Dates

Program release: mid-September

Early registration ends: September 29

Standard registration ends: October 31

Graduate Student Summit: November 15-16

Jackson Scholars Research Symposium: November 16

Plenary Session: November 16

Awards Luncheon: November 16

Annual Banquet: November 18

Convention Planning Committee

Carol A. Mullen Virginia Tech

Liliana E. Castrellón Duquesne University

Detra D. Johnson University of Houston

Dana Nickson University of Washington

Karl Gildner UCEA

The 35th Annual UCEA Convention will be held November 11-14, 2021 at the Hyatt Regency Columbus in Columbus, Ohio. The purpose of the 2021 UCEA Convention is to engage participants in discussions about research, policy, practice, and preparation in the field of education with a specific focus on educational leadership. Members of the 2021 Convention Program Committee include David DeMatthews (University of Texas at Austin), Noelle W. Arnold (Ohio State University), Paul Cruz (University of Texas at Austin), DeMarcus Jenkins (University of Arizona), and Yinying Wang (Georgia State University). The 35th Annual UCEA Convention theme, Emerging Stronger: Reuniting to Advance Educational Leadership, is an opportunity to join together after an unprecedented time of isolation and loss.


Convention Program

The 34th annual UCEA Convention was VIRTUAL! The UCEA Executive Committee deliberated the costs and benefits of hosting our annual face-to-face convention in Puerto Rico in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, its fiscal impact on university budgets, and the feasibility of our membership to travel in November. After considering many factors and the survey feedback by UCEA members, we had opted for a virtual convention. The 34th annual UCEA Convention was held November 17–19, 2020, with a few pre- and postconvention sessions during the month of November. The purpose of the 2020 UCEA Convention was to collaboratively engage participants in discussions about research, policy, practice, and preparation in the field of education with a specific focus on educational leadership. We were excited by the possibilities that a virtual meeting could provide and look forward to developing innovative ways of sharing research, getting/giving feedback, networking, connecting, and strengthening our community. We offered four types of presentations, with downloadable paper materials.


Convention Program

The 33rd Annual University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Convention will be held November 21-24, 2019 at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside in New Orleans, LA. The purpose of the 2019 UCEA Convention is to engage participants in discussions about research, policy, practice, and preparation in the field of education with a specific focus on educational leadership. Members of the 2019 Convention Program Committee are Gerardo R. López (University of Utah), Erica Fernández (University of Connecticut), Frank Hernández (Southern Methodist University), and Kevin Lawrence Henry, Jr. (University of Arizona). The 33rd Annual UCEA Convention theme, Where y’at: Validating subaltern forms of leadership and learning with/in and outside of schools, aims to center a broad array of knowledges, discourses, practices, experiences, epistemologies, and ways of knowing that historically have been marginalized, downplayed, and/or rendered invisible in the larger field of educational leadership.


Convention Program

The 32nd Annual UCEA Convention will be held November 14-18, 2018 at the Marriott Marquis Houston in Houston, TX. The purpose of the 2018 UCEA Convention is to engage participants in discussions about research, policy, practice and preparation in the field of education with a specific focus on educational leadership. Members of the 2018 Convention Program Committee are Terah Venzant Chambers (Michigan State University), Bradley Carpenter (University of Houston), Terrance L. Green (University of Texas at Austin), and Lolita A. Tabron (University of Denver). Also, for the first time, the Program Committee will include a graduate student, Andrene Castro (University of Texas at Austin). The 32nd Annual UCEA Convention theme, Our Mission Critical: Revolutionizing the Future Through Equitable Educational Leadership, Research, and Practice, is inviting submissions that (a) challenge dominant narratives that subvert equitable leadership and education; (b) revolutionize the preparation of school and district leaders to enact equitable leadership, research, and practice; (c) imagine equitable alliances with students, families, and communities where there is shared expertise, decision making, and ownership for sustainable change; and foster coalition with policymakers and elected officials to create the future we need.


Convention Program