Edwin M. Bridges Award is given by UCEA annually for original, outstanding work in the area of research and/or development that contributes to our knowledge and understanding of how best to prepare and support future generations of educational leaders.
Contributions can be in any of several forms including the design and evaluation of an innovative approach to leadership preparation, development of a research-based tool for use in leadership education, a conceptual or empirical research paper (i.e., publication or dissertation) that illuminates important issues, or a long-term, high impact program of research and development in this area.
This award recognizes contributions to pre-service preparation as well as continuing professional development aimed at school leaders. The source of the contribution can be in universities or in the field and the extent to which the quality and originality of the effort suggests the potential to create a lasting impact on research and/or practice in this domain.
Contributions will be judged on the extent to which the quality and originality of the effort suggest the potential to create a lasting impact on research and/or practice in this domain. As appropriate to the form of the contribution, UCEA will assist in its publication and/or other forms of dissemination to the profession.
Nominations are welcome from faculty member(s) of UCEA member institutions and partner institutions.
Nominations should include electronic copies of the following:
A UCEA committee appointed by the Executive Director will review and evaluate the nominees. This committee will reserve the right to present this award to multiple candidates on any given year, or conversely, not to present this award should nominees not fully meet the selection criteria.
Please email electronic copies of all nomination materials to uceaawards@gmail.com with the title of the award in the subject line.
The deadline for nominations is August 25, 2024.
2023 Sara Dexter, UVA
2022 No award was given.
2021 No award was given.
2020 No award was given.
2019 No award was given.
2018 Michelle D. Young, University of Virginia
2017 Linda Skrla, University of the Pacific
2016 Ellen Goldring, Vanderbilt University
Diana G. Pounder, University of Utah
2015 Margaret Terry Orr, Bank Street College of Education
Allan Walker-Hong Kong Institute of Education
2014 Joseph F. Murphy, Vanderbilt University
2013 Perry Zirkel, Lehigh University
2012 No award was given.
2011 Martha McCarthy, Indiana University at Bloomington
2010 Edwin M. Bridges, Stanford University