Jack A. Culbertson Award was established in 1982 in honor of UCEA’s first full-time Executive Director, who retired in 1981 after serving 22 years in the position. Jack was, himself, an impressive scholar throughout his career. However, he took particular interest in the scholarly endeavors of Junior Faculty, recognizing in their work the future of the profession.
The award is presented annually to an outstanding junior educational leadership professor in recognition of his/her significant contributions to the field of educational leadership. Individuals nominated must have been professors for six years or fewer, and currently serve in a UCEA university.
Contributions to the field may include innovations in training, instructional materials, program development, empirical research, theoretical contributions, or a combination of the above.
Criteria used in selecting the outstanding contribution are:
Nominations are welcome from faculty member(s) of UCEA member institutions and partner institutions.
Nominations should include electronic copies of the following:
Two letters of support from individuals who can speak directly to the nominee's significant contribution to the field of educational leadership within their first six years as faculty.
A UCEA committee appointed by the Executive Director will review and evaluate the nominees. This committee will reserve the right to present this award to multiple candidates on any given year, or conversely, not to present this award should nominees not fully meet the selection criteria.
Please email electronic copies of all nomination materials to awards@ucea.org with the title of the award in the subject line.
The deadline for nominations is August 25, 2024.
2023 Kevin Lawrence Henry, Jr, UW Madison, & Rachel White, University of Tennessee
2022 Frank Perrone, Indiana University Bloomington
Andrew Pendola, Auburn University
2021 Erin Anderson, University of Denver
2020 Miriam Ezzani, Texas Christian University
2019 Lolita Tabron, University of Denver
2018 Chad R. Lochmiller, Indiana University
2017 David E. DeMatthews, University of Texas at El Paso
2016 Ann M. Ishimaru, University of Washington
2015 Anjalé D. Welton, University of Illinois at Urbana at Champaign
2014 Hollie J. Mackey, The University of Oklahoma
2013 Morgaen L. Donaldson, University of Connecticut
2012 Alex Bowers, University of Texas at San Antonio
2011 Julian Vasquez Heilig, University of Texas at Austin
2010 Brendan Maxcy, Indiana University
2009 Sara Dexter, University of Virginia
2008 Thomas Alsbury, North Carolina State University
Jeffrey Wayman, University of Texas at Austin
2007 Suzanne E Eckes, Indiana University, Bloomington
Meredith Honig, University of Washington
2006 Andrea Rorrer, University of Utah
2005 No Award
2004 Gerardo Lopez, Indiana University
2003 Cynthia Reed, Auburn University
2002 Julie Mead, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Roger Goddard, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
2001 Jay P.Scribner, University of Missouri-Columbia
Linda Skrla, Texas A & M University
2000 Jeffrey Maiden, University of Oklahoma
1999 Carolyn Kelley, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1998 C. Cryss Brunner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1997 Patsy E. Johnson, University of Kentucky
1996 Frances Fowler, Miami University
1995 Neil Thoebald, Indiana University
1994 Steven L. Jacobson, SUNY Buffalo
1993 Paula M. Short, The Pennsylvania State University
1992 Ann Weaver Hart, University of Utah
1991 Kent D. Peterson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1990 Paul V. Bredeson, The Pennsylvania State University
1989 Carol A. Veir, Univeristy of Texas-Austin
1988 Charol Shakeshaft, Hofstra University
1987 Walter H. Gmelch, Washington State University
1986 Joseph Murphy, University of Illinois
1985 Jeri Nowakowski, Northern Illinois University
1983 Patrick B. Forsyth, Oklahoma State University
1984 L. Dean Webb, Arizona State University