The Master Professor Award

UCEA Master Professor Award

On a yearly basis, the UCEA Executive Committee shall accept nominations for an outstanding educational leadership professor to be named The UCEA Master Professor. This award is to be made to an individual faculty member whose record demonstrates excellence in at least 4 of the following five areas: teaching, mentoring and advising, academic leadership, supporting diverse student and colleagues, and professional service. All UCEA member institution faculties are eligible for this award, including faculty belonging to partner member institutions. The attributes for choosing The UCEA Master Professor include:

They have a sustained record as outstanding teachers, as attested to by students and faculty peers. They have exhibited educational innovation in the classroom and the extension of educational opportunities to an ever-wider group of students in educational leadership/administration programs.

They are outstanding advisors and mentors of students as evidenced by mentoring students in research projects that address the needs of K-12 educational systems. They play a key role in the advancement of students into leadership positions in PK-12 systems. In summary, they promote and support the academic, career goals, and placement of students into educational administration programs.

They have taken a leadership role in their academic unit, as administrators and/or leaders in educational endeavors. They have gained a regional and national reputation, as an educational leader and innovator. They have accomplished this through participation in regional and national activities as well as in publications in appropriate journals that have impacted the practice of educational leadership/administration in PK-12 systems.

They have provided outstanding leadership in promoting and supporting diversity in faculty, students, staff, programs, and curriculum in the field of educational leadership/administration.

They have provided outstanding public service through participation in public or private agencies, or both bodies that contribute to PK-16 partnerships and to improving the quality of PK-16 education throughout state, national, or international arenas.

Nomination Process

Nominations should include electronic copies of the following:

  • Nominee's most recent curriculum vitae;
  • Three letters of recommendation,
    1. One nomination letter addressing the contributions of the nominee relative to one or more of the award criteria. This letter can include quotes from other faculty and/or graduate students in support of the nominee. 
    2. Two letters of support from individuals who can speak directly  to the nominee's outstanding contribution as teachers, mentors and advisors, academic leaders, in support of diverse student and colleagues, and /or through their professional service to the field.

The Recognition

The individuals selected as UCEA Master Professors will be recognized for their contributions to the field during a General Session at the Annual UCEA Convention.

The individuals selected as UCEA Master Professors will receive a specially designed award.

Role of UCEA Master Professors

  • UCEA Master Professors constitute distinguished academics whose leadership, critical thinking, and advice help guide faculty and program initiatives of the UCEA.
  • UCEA Master Professors will be asked to help UCEA to address important needs, such as improving academic quality, promoting outstanding teaching, research, service, or other issues of concern to the UCEA.
  • UCEA Master Professors will be asked to serve on future review committees for this award and other appropriate UCEA committees or advising groups.

Nominations are welcome from faculty member(s) of UCEA member institutions and partner institutions. Nominations should include electronic copies of the following:

  • the candidate’s curriculum vitae;
  • a letter addressing the contributions of the nominee relative to one or more of the selection criteria;
  • support letters from individuals who have been directly mentored by the nominee, and/or individuals who can attest to the nominee’s mentoring strengths, are strongly encouraged.

A UCEA committee appointed by the Executive Director will review and evaluate the nominees. This committee will reserve the right to present this award to multiple candidates on any given year, or conversely, not to present this award should nominees not fully meet the selection criteria. 

The deadline for nominations is August 25, 2024.

The UCEA Master Professor Recipients


Carol A. Mullen, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg


Mark Anthony Gooden, Teachers College, Columbia University


Andrea Rorrer, University of Utah and Stephen Jacobson, University of Buffalo


 Karen Sanzo, Old Dominion University 


 Shelby Cosner, University of Illinois at Chicago


 Margaret Grogan, Chapman University


 Michael Dantley, Miami University


 Gail Furman, Washington State University at Spokane


 Steven Jay Gross, Temple University


 Paula Short, University of Houston


 Maria Luisa (Malu) Gonzalez, University of Texas at El Paso


 Diana Pounder, University of Central Arkansas


 Nancy Evers, University of Cincinnati


 Joan Poliner Shapiro, Temple University


 Paul Begley, Pennsylvania State University

 Bruce G. Barnett, University of Texas at San Antonio


 Gary Crow, Florida State University

 Colleen Capper, University of Wisconsin-Madison


 Jim Scheurich, Texas A&M University


Sally Zepeda, University of Georgia