The William J. Davis Award is given annually to the author(s) of the most outstanding article published in Educational Administration Quarterly (EAQ) during the preceding volume year. The article selection is made by a three-member panel chosen from the EAQ Editorial Board members who have not published in the volume being reviewed.
The Davis Award was established in 1979 with contributions in honor of the late William J. Davis, former Associate Director of UCEA and Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Contributions to the award fund are welcome and should be sent to UCEA, Michigan State University, College of Education, 620 Farm Lane, 431 Erickson Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824.
Please click here to view Educational Administration Quarterly (EAQ) articles.
Davis Award Recipients
Shah, V., Aoudeh, N., Cuglievan-Mindreau, G., & Flessa, J.
Tempering applied critical leadership: The im/possibilities of leading for racial justice in school districts. Educational Administration Quarterly
Nimo Abdi, Ohio State University
Somali Immigrant Mothers’ Experiences of School Engagement: Implications for School Leaders
Ann M. Ishimaru, University of Washington
Mollie K. Galloway, Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling
Hearts and Minds First: Institutional Logics in Pursuit of Educational Equity
Madeline Mavrogordato, Michigan State University,
Rachel Sue White, Old Dominion University
Carrie Sampson, Arizona State University
(Im)Possibilities of Latinx School Board Members’ Educational Leadership Toward Equity
Melanie Bertrand, Arizona State University
Youth Participatory Action Research and Possibilities for Students of Color in Educational Leadership
Roderick L. Carey, University of Delaware
David E. DeMatthews, University of Texas at El Paso
Arturo Olivarez, University of Texas at El Paso
Kevin Moussavi Saeedi, Horneo Middle School, El Paso Independent School District
Guilty as Charged? Principals’ Perspectives on Disciplinary Practices and the Racial Discipline Gap
Christopher Day, University of Nottingham
Qing Gu, University of Nottingham
Pam Sammons, University of Oxford
The Impact of Leadership on Student Outcomes: How Successful School Leaders Use Transformational and Instructional Strategies to Make a Difference
Educational Administration Quarterly, vol. 52, 2: pp. 221-258. , First Published February 9, 2016
Terrance L. Green, The University of Texas at Austin
Leading for Urban School Reform and Community Development
Educational Administration Quarterly, December 2015; vol. 51, 5: pp. 679-711., first published on March 20, 2015
Gerardo R. López, Loyola University New Orleans, LA
Rebeca Burciaga, San José State University, San José, CA
The troublesome legacy of Brown v. Board of Education.
Educational Administration Quarterly 2014 50:796-811
Anysia Peni Mayer, University of Connecticut
Morgaen L. Donaldson, University of Connecticut
Kimberly LeChasseur, University of Connecticut
Anjalé D. Welton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Casey D. Cob, University of Connecticut
Negotiating Site-Based Management and Expanded Teacher Decision Making: A Case Study of Six Urban Schools
Educational Administration Quarterly 2013 49:5, 695–731
2013 David Arsen, Michigan State University
Yongmei Ni, The University of Utah
The Effects of Charter School Competition on School District Resource Allocation
Educational Administration Quarterly 2012 48:3-38
Rose M. Ylimaki, University of Arizona
Curriculum Leadership in a Conservative Era
Educational Administration Quarterly 2012 48:304-346
Virginia Roach, George Washington University, Washington, DC
L. Wes Smith, Early College High School, Currituck County, NC
James Boutin, District of Columbia Public Schools, Washington, DC
School Leadership Policy Trends and Developments: Policy Expediency or Policy Excellence?
Educational Administration Quarterly 2011 47:71-113
Autumn K. Tooms, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
Catherine Lugg, Rutgers University
Ira E. Bogotch, Florida Atlantic University
Rethinking the Politics of Fit and Educational Leadership
Educational Administration Quarterly 2010 46:96-131
Roger D. Goddard, Texas A&M University
Serena J. Salloum, University of Michigan
Dan Berebitsky, University of Michigan
Trust as a Mediator of the Relationships Between Poverty, Racial Composition, and Academic Achievement: Evidence From Michigan’s Public Elementary Schools
Educational Administration Quarterly 2009 45:292-311
2009 Viviane M.J. Robinson, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Claire A. Lloyd, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Kenneth J. Rowe, Australian Council for Educational Research
The Impact of Leadership on Student Outcomes: An Analysis of the Differential Effects of Leadership Types
Educational Administration Quarterly 2008 44:635-674
Ronald H. Heck, University of Hawaii-Manoa
Examining the Relationship Between Teacher Quality as an Organizational Property of Schools and Students’ Achievement and Growth Rates
Educational Administration Quarterly 2007 43:399-432
Audrey Addi-Raccah, Tel-Aviv University
Accessing Internal Leadership Positions at School: Testing the Similarity-Attraction Approach Regarding Gender in Three Educational Systems in Israel
Educational Administration Quarterly 2006 42:291-323
Mengli Song, University of Michigan
Cecil Miskel, University of Michigan
Who Are the Influentials? A Cross-State Social Network Analysis of the Reading Policy Domain
Educational Administration Quarterly 2005 41:7-48
David Gruenewald, Washington State University Gail Furman, Washington State University
Expanding the Landscape of Social Justice: A Critical Ecological Analysis
Educational Administration Quarterly 2004 40:47-76
Marilyn Tallerico, Syracuse University
Jackie Blount, Iowa State University
Women and the Superintendency: Insights From Theory and History
Educational Administration Quarterly 2004 40:633-662
Susan Printy, Michigan State University
Helen Marks, Ohio State University
2003 Philip Young, University of California-Davis
Julie A. Fox, Ohio SchoolNet Commission
2002 Michelle D. Young, University of Missouri-Columbia, UCEA
Scott McLeod, University of Minnesota
2001 Bets Ann Smith, Michigan State University
2000 Anthony Bryk, University of Chicago
Eric Camburn, University of Michigan
Karen Seashore Louis, University of Minnesota
1999 Gail Furman Brown, Washington State University
1998 Nona A. Prestine, Illinois State University
Thomas L. McGreal, Illinois State University
1997 William A. Firestone, Rutgers University
1996 Diana G. Pounder, University of Utah
Rodney T. Ogawa, University of California-Riverside
E. Ann Adams, Granite School District, UT
1995 Mark A. Smylie, University of Illinois-Chicago
Robert L. Crowson, Peabody College,Vanderbilt University
Victoria Chou, University of Illinois-Chicago
Rebekah A. Levin, University of Illinois-Chicago
1994 Brian Rowan, University of Michigan
Stephen W. Raudenbush, Michigan State Univeristy
Yuk Fai Cheong, Michigan State University
1993 Ulrich C. Reitzug, University of Wisconsin
Jennifer Elser Reeves, University of Central Florida
1992 Robert J. Starratt, Fordham University
1991 Ronald H. Heck, University of Hawaii-Manoa
Terry J. Larsen, Alhambra School District, CA
George A. Marcoulides, California State University-Fullerton
1990 Mary Stager, University of Toronto
Kenneth A. Leithwood, OISE
1989 Joseph J. Blase, University of Georgia
1988 James G. Cibulka, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
1987 David P. Crandall, NETWORK
Karen Seashore Louis, University of Minnesota
Jeffrey W. Eiseman, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
1986 Tim L. Mazzoni, Jr., University of Minnesota
Betty Malen, University of Utah
1985 David L. Clark, Indiana University
Lindo Lotto, University of Illinois
Terry Astuto, Kansas State University
1984 Cecil Miskel, University of Utah
David McDonald,Pomona Public Schools, KS
Susan Bloom, Blue Valley Public Schools, KS
1983 Donald J. Willower, Pennsylvania State University
1982 Robert A. Cooke, Institute for Social Research
Denise M. Rousseau, University of Michigan
1981 Cecil G. Miskel, University of Utah
Jo Ann DeFrain, North Harris County College, Houston
Kay Wilcox, Shawnee Mission Public Schools, KS
1980 Donald J. Willower, Pennsylvania State University