Samantha Scribner, Executive Director
Associate Professor
Miami University (Ohio) | 917.274.0688
Brendan Maxcy, Associate Director
Associate Professor
Indiana University - Indianapolis | 317-274-6801
Consortium for the Study of Leadership and Ethics in Education (CSLEE) was established as a University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Program Center in June 1996 by Paul Begley (OISE / University of Toronto) and Margaret Grogan (University of Virginia). The original name of the program center was the Center for the Study of Leadership and Ethics (CSLE).
The CSLEE is a consortium of faculty and research associates representing eight international university-based centers and institutes. The CSLEE now operates under its own constitution as well as having been a recognized program center of the UCEA since 1996.
The mission of the Consortium is to advance the understanding, appreciation, and practice of moral and ethical leadership in educational settings across international contexts. After more than 25 years in existence, the CSLEE remains committed to the support, promotion and dissemination of theory and research on values and ethics in educational leadership.
The CSLEE members convene annually to disseminate results from ongoing research on the relationship between leadership ethics and values. In additional to individual publications from center faculty, the CSLEE organized a mini-conference during the 2023 UCEA convening highlighting work occurring across global contexts related to the CSLEE mission.
The CSLEE Board consists of representatives of its institutional members, including:
Helene Arlestig, Center for Principal Development (Umea University, Sweden)
Pamela Bishop, Western University Ontario Canada
Kitty Fortner, CSU Dominguez Hills, Journal of Authentic Leadership Co-Editor
William Frick, Center for Leadership Ethics and Change, VEEA Editor, University of Oklahoma
Olof Johansson, Center for Principal Development (Umea University, Sweden)
Khaula Murtadha, Indiana University-Indianapolis, Urban Educational Leadership & Policy
Thu Sng Thi Nguyen, ana University-Indianapolis, Urban Educational Leadership & Policy
Kevin Peters, The New DEEL Center (Temple University)
Haiyan Qian, Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (The Hong Kong Institute of Education)
Tiffany Roberts, Journal of Authentic Leadership Co-Editor
Susan Shapiro, The New DEEL Center (Touro University)
CSLEE is always on the lookout to highlight and collaborate with scholars and organizations committed to the development, research and practice of ethical educational leadership and values.
HQ is currently at Indiana University – Indianapolis (formerly known as IUPUI)
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