The University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) is governed by two representative bodies: The Plenum and the Executive Committee. The Plenum is formed by one representative from each member institution. The nine-member Executive Committee is elected from and by the Plenum.
The Executive Committee (EC) meets monthly. EC members work with the Executive Director to develop long term organizational goals and policies, determine the allocation of resources, ensure that UCEA lives up to its vision, and influence the field of educational leadership. EC members serve three-year terms.
Ohio State University
University of Georgia
North Carolina State University
Morgridge College of Education
Miami University of Ohio
University of Texas at Austin
Texas Christian University
West Carolina University
University of Connecticut
The Executive Director provides leadership and management for the organization. Under the leadership of the Executive Director, the UCEA Headquarters office implements the UCEA policies, develops initiatives and programs to achieve organizational goals, coordinates activities, and disseminates information resulting from research and developmental projects.
Associate Directors work with the Executive Director to build the vision and goals for each focal area of responsibility. Associate Directors also develop activities and initiatives in these focal areas that are consistent and help further UCEA’s mission. These focal areas are meant to enhance members experiences within UCEA.
Florida Atlantic University
University of Kansas
University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University
Bowling Green State University
University of Denver
The Plenum meets four times a year. Plenary Session Representative (PSRs) serve as official liaisons among their program, the EC, and the Executive Director. They participate in and inform UCEA initiatives, approve annual budgets, vote to accept new member institutions, and elect the members of the Executive Committee.
UCEA Plenary Session Representatives (PSRs) are elected or appointed by their program/department faculty. PSRs serve for a term of 3-6 years renewable.
In order to perform their governance responsibilities, PSRs are asked to review documents (i.e. meeting minutes, UCEA governance materials) and keep current on all items coming before the Plenum. PSRs can access the information they need for each Plenum meeting here.