Journal of Research on Leadership Education

Journal of Research on Leadership Education


The Journal of Research on Leadership Education (JRLE), an electronic peer-reviewed journal, provides an international venue for scholarship and discourse on the teaching and learning of leadership across the many disciplines that inform the field of educational leadership. JRLE seeks to promote and disseminate rigorous scholarship on the teaching, learning, and assessing of leadership preparation and practice, the political and contextual issues that impact leadership education, and the links between leadership education and student learning. JRLE accepts empirical and conceptual articles and embraces both traditional and emergent research paradigms.

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Journal Co-Editors

  • Catherine Horn currently serves as director of the UH Education Research Center and dean of the UH College of Education at the University of Houston. Dr. Horn’s research is focused on systemic influences of assessment and related policies on the learning trajectories of students.
  • April Peters-Hawkins serves as Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (DELPS) at the University of Houston. Dr. Peters-Hawkins’ research interests include: women in school leadership, mentoring and support for early career administrators, urban schooling and leadership and small school reform.

Associate Editors

  • Dr. Bradley Davis, University of Houston
  • Dr. Meredith Wronowski, University of Dayton
  • Dr. Steven Nelson, University of Memphis
  • Katherine Mansfield, University of North Texas

Editorial Team:

  • Alexandro Cortez, Co-managing Editor
  • Caroline Silva Co-managing Editor

2023 Best JRLE Article Recipient 

Program Capacity for Redesign in Educational Leadership Preparation by 
Davis Clement, University of Virginia
Margaret Thornton, University of Virginia
Michelle D. Young, University of Virginia
Trevor Doiron, University of Virginia
David Eddy Spicer, University of Virginia
Frank Perrone, University of New Mexico
Daniel Player, University of Virginia

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