Jackson Scholars Symposium

Jackson Scholars Symposium

The Jackson Scholars Network Research Symposium is an integral part of the UCEA Convention, where 2nd-year Jackson Scholars are honored with the opportunity to present their research. Scholars deliver a comprehensive presentation on their dissertation research or any other academic work they are conducting under the guidance of their advisor. Presentations are expected to be 10-12 minutes long and provide an in-depth look at their current progress or research plans.

Proposals for participation in the symposium must adhere to a specified format and include a title, abstract, and references. The proposal length is limited to three single-spaced pages (approximately 1,500 words) excluding references and any tables or figures. References are also required and should not exceed one page (approximately 400 words).

The symposium prioritizes the Jackson Scholars' opportunity to showcase their work, aiming to provide an academic platform for meaningful discussions and collaborations with peers and mentors.

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