Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation

Program evaluation is an essential tool for program improvement and UCEA has invested in the development of a number of program evaluation processes and tools that can benefit educational leadership preparation in universities and a variety of other sectors.  These include: UCEA’s Institutional and Program Criteria, UCEA’s Developing Evaluation Evidence: An Evaluation Handbook for Educational Leadership Preparation ,UCEA’s INSPIRE 360 Preparation Program Evaluation Survey Suite, UCEA Institutional Review Process, and the newly developed State Evaluation of Principal Preparation Programs (SEP3) Tool Kit.

This publication was developed and published by UCEA in cooperation with UCEA’s INSPIRE Institute for the Evaluation of Educational Leadership Preparation (
This guidebook for masters and doctoral programs in educational leadership includes the UCEA Institutional and Program Quality criteria. It also contains a rubric for each criterion that illuminates the practices associated with very effective, effective and developing programs, as well as suggestions for how preparation programs can use the rubrics to facilitate conversations around program improvement.
created to support a variety of program evaluation efforts that involve the collection of both formative and summative evaluation data. The handbook is organized according to how program inputs and outcomes have been conceptualized and validated in evaluation research on leadership preparation programs and will help program designers: 1) Identify Formative and Summative Assessments; 2) Identify Measures and Outcomes (e.g., program and participant outcomes); 3) Evaluate the Relationship Between the Program Attribute and the Outcome; and 4) Use Data for Preparation Program Improvement.
The UCEA-LTEL Co-Sponsored Evaluation Research Taskforce have worked to make available valid and reliable evaluation research tools, methods and training materials and strategies for leadership preparation programs. The result of this collaboration is the INSPIRE Leadership Suite of program evaluation surveys.
The University Council of Educational Administration and New Leaders partnered to create a set of resources and tools designed to help states improve principal preparation by reforming their current approach to evaluating educational administration programs. The final results of this collaboration is the The State Evaluation of Principal Preparation Programs Toolkit (SEP3 Toolkit).