Comment on the New NELP Standards

Comment on the New NELP Standards for Leadership Preparation Today!

We are pleased to share with you the draft National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) standards for your review.  These standards were developed by a committee comprised of essential stakeholder communities from across the country. These preparation standards, formerly known as the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC standards), have been renamed the National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) standards and will be used to guide program design, accreditation review, and state program approval.

The NELP standards, which are aligned to the 2015 Practice Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) serve a distinct purpose in that they provide specificity around performance expectations for beginning level building and district leaders. Whereas the PSEL standards define educational leadership broadly, the NELP standards specify what novice leaders and program graduates should know and be able to do as a result of their completion of a high quality educational leadership preparation program.  A document explaining what the NELP standards are, how they were developed and the purpose they serve is posted here (NELP Standards Introduction).  Please take a few moments to review this document and the two sets of standards (Draft NELP Standards – Building Level) (Draft NELP Standards-District Level) and then complete the feedback surveys, which can be found at the following two links: